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Our top recommendations for New Staff Welcome Packs

Our top recommendations for New Staff Welcome Packs

Recruitment is neither easy nor cheap. Competing for top talent, motivating them, and retaining them takes more than just money: it takes the right brand and strong relationship-building. As any HR team knows, Welcome Packs are a great way of getting that relationship off on the right foot.

At BrandHK we have been helping Asia`s biggest [sector] brands to delight and motivate their new starters for over a decade. We provide branded merchandise, and can build your perfect pack, tailored to your brand and staff profile.

Here`s our recommendations for building the perfect pack...

Empower them with Pen and Paper!

A pen and notebook are absolute winners. You have recruited the brightest and best, and you want them to hit the ground running. Those first days are a blizzard of new names, faces, concepts, and actions. A handy pocket notebook and pen will empower your new starter to get stuck right in from the outset. Our notebooks and pens offer exceptional branding potential to give that new recruit a feel for the vibe of their new workplace.
Eco A5軟面(縫合)筆記本
軟木PU皮面A5 筆記本
AIIE 再生鋁原子筆

The first days are thirsty work!

Our second most popular line of products for new starters is pretty simple: something to drink out of. It can be awkward turning up somewhere new and not knowing where the coffee cups are, where the glasses are, and so on. Giving your new starters a mug and/or water bottle will make them feel at home and at ease. They can grab a drink from the water cooler or makes themselves a coffee/tea straight away. And that drinks recepticle will sit on their desk, with your brand all over it, as they make their career journey with your firm.
Calypso 旅行保溫杯 (330ml)
Shosho 280ml 雙層保溫杯
500ML 保溫瓶

Think seasonal!

The tropical weather presents all kinds of challenges for new starters. They want to make a good impression, but tropical downpours or furnace-like heat can really take its toll on the body and appearance. Have a handy stock of branded caps, umbrellas, and even hand-held fans ready to hand out as the weather does its worst.
棒球帽 - 優質禮品
棒球帽 -  尊貴系列
RPET 再生塑膠摺傘

Don`t forget the t-shirts!

A branded, high quality tee or polo shirt might be part of your office uniform. But even if it is not, a quality wearable item is always popular with new staff. BrandHK can provide a range of different sizes, each branded with your logo to make a comfortable bit of clothing that your staff will love even when they have left the office.

Presentation matters!

Think about what you want to include in the pack, and choose the most attractive packaging you can to make it a really impressive gift. Consider whether you will be including company literature, booklets and training materials, and so on. And you want to include the gifts too. There are three main popular ways of doing this: a gift box, a tote bag, and a backpack. The backpack is really essential if your new starter is going to be carting around a lot of presentation packs from company training!
Pack12 筆裝禮品盒
ONDA 捲口電腦背包

Make life easy with BrandHK

We work with a lot of companies and teams like your`s. We know that putting together the right pack is time-consuming, and the quantities required can take up a lot of space. At BrandHK we can make life a lot easier with a PromoShop designed for all your staff gifts and stationery. Buy your Welcome Packs for the year and we will store them and send them to your local offices as and when they are required. You get the benefit of better prices without the hassle of storage and stock management. Everything is done through an intuitive, retail-style online store, but one that is just for your organisation.
Click here for details! »

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- Jonathan, The Hong Kong Legal Walk

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