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BrandHK 主頁
3 Top Tips for Going Green with Corporate Gifts

3 Top Tips for Going Green with Corporate Gifts

For a long time now corporate gifts have been a great way of showing customers and employees you appreciate them. These gifts can be exceptional at motivating employees and inspiring loyalty in customers.

With the recent heightened concern for the environment, receivers of such gifts are starting to insist on more environmentally friendly alternatives to the plastic giveaways of yesteryear. Below are 3 killer ways to make your corporate gifts more environmentally friendly:

1. Reduce Waste

You’ve got a marketing budget and corporate gifts are obviously a very important part of the spend. They create enormous good will and per dollar spent generate a fantastic amount of coverage. According to the Advertising Speciality Institute of America a reusable bag generates around 5700 impressions per bag! Given how successful they are as a marketing tool the key to being a superstar environmental marketer is to ensure minimal waste. There are a couple of great ways to do this:

1. Reduce the number of items you give away but increase the spend per item. Giving away one higher value/quality product will reduce the chance of the product being thrown in the bin while giving customers a better experience. Giving away lots of cheaper items is much more likely to fill a landfill than giving you the exposure you crave

2. Buy the right thing! Think carefully about what people want and need. If you give away a really useful product of nice quality it will be used. A useless cheap plastic product is more likely to add kilos to the landfill than $ to your bottom line!

2. Choose Reusable Products

The purpose of corporate gifts is to generate as many positive impressions as possible for your customers and employees. Luckily this fits in nicely with the reuse mantra of the environmental movement. Picking a reusable product that will ideally replace a disposable product gives you both a low cost per impression and helps the environment.

We were recently approached by the GM of the Kowloon Hash House Harriers (a popular local running club). He wanted to replace the disposable plastic water bottles with a reusable plastic bottle which the runners would refill at work and bring along to the run in the evening. This single move helped promote the club as everyone now runs with branded bottles, stopped one thousand three hundred plastic bottles going to landfill every year and saved the running club $6500 pa by no longer having to provide water.

3. Choose Recyclable products

The recyclability of products is tricky. Theoretically almost anything can be recycled but to improve your eco credentials here are a couple of things you can easily put into practice

1. Packaging – here today, gone tomorrow. Packaging is really important to create the right impression, pack a gift nicely and the perceived value goes through the roof. But given its short life, picking an easy to recycle packaging option will help you nail the eco in your gift. Ditch the poly bags and plastic laminated paper in favour of natural kraft paper boxes with a high recycled content and, if the product really needs individual wrapping use a tissue paper instead of a polybag.

2. Eco materials – If you really want to go all out eco you can select a totally natural material such as wood or bamboo for the actual gift. The range of eco material products is growing daily

As popular opinion moves towards more sustainable, ecological marketing we need to ensure we meet both of these aims. Hopefully some of the above will help!


企業送禮不僅僅是形式,它也是一種展示聲望和真誠感激的戰略方式。選擇高端禮品作為貴賓禮品能帶來深遠的影響。饋贈 BrandHK 定制禮品,代表您的品牌並反映您對客戶的重視。

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學術生活很艱難:不斷考試、追趕功課提交日期、擔憂成績。貼心的禮品可以提升學生的動力並鼓勵他們進步。要找到完美的禮品可能很困難,這就是 BrandHK 的作用所在。

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演講者在企業世界中分享知識和經驗方面發揮了重要作用。在 BrandHK,我們了解通過貼心的禮品來表揚他們的貢獻的重要性,這些禮品反映了對他們專業知識的感謝之情。

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我非常享受 BrandHK 貼心服務的體驗。

- Senior Marketing Manager, Fresenius Kabi

- Sofie - Education University of Hong Kong

只想親自寫電郵給您並讚揚 Raymond Cheng 先生的工作,他是一位出色的銷售人員,合作上給予莫大幫助。全體員工也很喜歡這個禮品出品。

- Senior Business Development Manager, TOPO


- ULI Asia Pacific


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